
Louvers as similar to shutters allows you to keep your windows closed with the difference that you will enable the light to enter without the need of leaving the door or window open. Louvers also serves as a type of security. At Nicholas Aluminium you can find all types of louvers. From fixed, adjustable to arched form. All these apertures are available in rectangular, square, circular and all forms that satisfies our clients.

As any other Apertures we stock all the colours for the fixed and adjustable louvers.

One can use his hinged Door with a kontraporta fixed louvers on the internal side or external side with another kontraporta of Glass.

At Nicholas Aluminium one can also find louvers which have movable slats, so as to increase or decrease the amount of light or air that comes in a room from 0% to 75% light and still one can have the security he wants.

One should know that at Nicholas Aluminium can find Double Glaze Glass with Adjustable Blinds in the Double Glaze. These type of Blinds can be adjusted manually or with a remote control unit (One can choose). The advantages of this system is that one can has his own double glaze and blinds in the same Apertures without taking more space or doing an extra aperture with louvers besides the old aperture that one has with glass.